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Someone who “does not give foot with ball” can’t seem to get something -or anything- right 

As a teenager, I always found some excuse to mention how talented I was playing tennis.
One night, talking to the boy I liked, and sure that my sports talent could impress him, I mentioned I had a game the next morning and that he could come see me win, as I always did.
The next day, I saw him in the stands. I was so nervous that I did not give foot with ball the entire game. It was a shameful defeat against who -I later discovered- was the boy’s sister, and who he had actually gone to see.

De adolescente, siempre encontraba alguna excusa para mencionar lo talentosa que era jugando tenis y alardear sobre mis victorias en la cancha. 
Una noche, conversando con el niño que me gustaba, y segura de que mi talento deportivo podía impresionarlo, mencioné que tenía un partido la mañana siguiente y que podía venir a verme ganar.
Al día siguiente, lo vi en las gradas. Me puse tan nerviosa que no di pie con bola durante el juego. Fue una derrota vergonzosa contra quien -luego descubrí- era la hermana del niño que me gustaba y a quien realmente había ido a ver.

Story by Valentina Pérez Muskus

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